Why badam rogham has to be a part and parcel of your lives


Sweet almond, badam rogham are some of the names dished out when it comes to Rogham rogham. Of late the use of herbal badam roghan oil has gone on to increase in prominence. It is exported from the country of Afghanistan as there are a series of benefits both at an internal and external level. The benefits that relate to the hair and the skin emerges to be prominent. Even it provides benefits to the cardiovascular system.

It is a colourless and odourless form of oil. In Ayurveda it is put to use to treat dark blemishes, spots  ,premature hair falling and chipped lips. Let us now get to some of the benefits of ayurvedicbadam roghan oil in details

  • Dry skin and chapped lips- Not only the oil is light but non- greasy. Because of the superior properties it helps in skin moisturizing. It can be easily lubricated with the use of such products. Even scratch marks and stretch spots can be removed. A series of therapy messages are done with the use of this oil.
  • Dark circles- the main reason for the cause of dark circles is loss of fat, scratching, fatigue or if you rub the eyes. With the use of this oil you can get rid of the problems as hyper pigmentation might also occur. To overcome the issue of hyper pigmentation you can mix Amla with coriander leaves

The procedure by which you can apply Badam Roghan

First and foremost you need to be applying warm water on to your head and with a comb go on to remove the tangles. Then for conditioning of your hair apply this oil. It makes sense to be heating this oil in a microwave oven for 30 seconds till it becomes warm. Then you need to check the temperature of the oil before you apply it on to the hair. with the use of this oil the outer cuticles of the hair can be opened.

There is a need to properly massage the oil on to the roots of the hair . Once you resort to this procedure the hair is not only going to become strong but the formation of new hair might increase. The moment you resort to the use of regular application of the oil it is going to reduce the formation of dandruff.

Since the use of a wide toothed comb is going to disperse the oil in a proper way make it a point that each area is coated with a tinge of oil. There is a need to cover your hair with a shower cap till the point of time the oil becomes absorbed in the hair. when it is the case of dry hair leave it overnight. Finally it comes down to the process of shampooing the hair as you might have to open you hair dry for a particular day. Make sure that you go on to repeat the process at regular intervals.


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