Benefits Of Using Tulsi Leaves

Tulsi Ayurvedic medicine

Holy basil is also popularly known as Tulsi in India is a natural herb and they are mostly found in India as well as in other parts of South East Asia. This has proved to be very much effective in protecting the body from skin infections and other diseases of liver, heart and kidney. That is why; it is also known as the queen of herbs.

Tulsi has a special place in Ayurveda and hence Tulsi Ayurvedic medicine is considered to be very effective in India. There are basically three varieties of Tulsi grown in India. They are:

·         With bright green leaves known as the Ram Tulsi
·         The purple green leaf called Krishna Tulsi
·         The common wild one called Vana Tulsi

Now what are the nutritional values of these Tulsi leaves? They are rich in vitamins with A, C and K and are also full of minerals like magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium. It also contains a good amount of fiber and protein. Here are some major benefits of using Tulsi:

Natural Immunity Booster

This leaf is rich in Vitamin C and as a result it can act as a natural immunity booster which can keep infections away. They have anti viral, anti bacterial and anti fungal properties which can protect an individual from a lot of infections. The Tulsi leaves extract increases the T helper cells and they are a natural killer of the cells activity.

Reduces Fever and Pain

These leaves as mentioned above has anti viral and anti bacterial properties which can help in fighting infections and also reducing fevers. If one can intake fresh juice of Tulsi with black pepper powder then it can cures the periodic fevers. Tulsi leaves can be boiled with powdered cardamom with half a liter of water and then mixed with milk and sugar so that it can become effective in reducing temperature. Tulsi also has terpene and eugenol which are known as pain relieving properties.

Reduces Cold, Cough and other Respiratory Disorders

Cineole and Camphene are present in Tusli and it can help to reduce the congestion and cold in the chest. One can extract juice from Tulsi leaves and then mix it with ginger and honey which are very much effective in curing asthma, bronchitis, influenza, cough and cold.

Reduces Stress and Blood Pressure

Tulsi has certain compounds which can reduce stress and balance the level of dopamine and serotonin in the brain. Tulsi also has a lot of anti inflammatory properties which can reduce high blood pressure and inflammation.

Anti cancer properties

Tulsi has a lot of anti oxidant properties in it and it can help one in protecting the liver, skin and other oral cancers.

Good for Heart Health

It can be very much effective in preventing the cardiovascular disease by lowering the blood lipid content in the body. It can also reduce hypertension and hence good for heart health.
When it comes to Ayurvedic herbs for immune system Tulsi definitely tops the list.


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