Benefits of Using Almond Oil on Skin

Almond is a seed which is found inside the fruits of an almond tree. It is one of the oldest and widely grown crops in the world. Though they were first produced in the Middle East, they are mostly grown in many parts of the world now. The oil which is extracted from the seeds is known as almond oil and it has a lot of benefits. Almond oil is considered to be a rich source of nutrients. That is why; a lot of people add almonds to their daily diet. And according to many beauty experts, almond oil is great when it comes to nourishing skin. The oil that is obtained after pressing those nuts is unrefined almond oil and they are heated and chemically treated before they become refined one. Sweet and bitter, both kinds of almond oil is available in the marker. The sweet one is better suited for the skin. It is loaded with anti oxidants, vitamin A and other vitamin E which can prevent premature ageing and free radicals. Cold pressed almond oil is great because it has proteins, magne...