Remedies to Cure Your Cough!

Cough can be very mild and can be severe as well. Once you get in its grip, you will feel bad and all you will want to do is to cure it. But you might be thinking what the ways by which you can cure your cough are. But before that, we will talk about how to prevent cough as prevention is always better to cure. 1. Staying away from a sick person or the person who is suffering from cough is recommended. This is very contagious. 2. Wash your hands frequently after eating cooking, cleaning, sneezing and everything else and use cloth while sneezing and coughing in public and around people. 3. Try to have plenty of fluids when you are thinking about catching cough and keep them in your regular routine. 4. Try to keep the commonplaces of your house clean which include high chances of spreading the germs. 5. ...